QBC - making the most of your calculator
This course is for people who want to learn how to use QBC (the Quick Benefits Calculator) effectively and confidently.
The course covers:
This course is for people who want to learn how to use QBC (the Quick Benefits Calculator) effectively and confidently.
The course covers:
Universal credit is the main working age, means-tested benefit for people in Scotland and throughout the UK.
This course explains in detail which students can claim universal credit and how student funding affects the amount they get.
Universal credit (UC) claimants often have difficulties getting the housing costs element included in their claim and having the right amount paid on time.
This two-morning course is aimed at those supporting women fleeing from domestic abuse.
This two-morning course will enable you to assess which of a client’s debts should be given priority, in order to try to avoid the loss of their home, essential goods or services and imprison
This half-day standard level online course looks at how limited capability for work rules affect UC.