Providing a dedicated member of staff
Bannockburn Primary School, Stirling
The school places strong emphasis on wellbeing and building relationships with families. Part of their Health and Wellbeing Officer’s role has been to spot when families might be struggling financially and offer information and referrals to income maximisation teams.
Karen Sneddon, Bannockburn’s Health and Wellbeing Officer, has found ways to speak to families and make vital referrals.
“Sometimes a parent will say something that can be a trigger for us and we can suggest we refer them to the income maximisation team. They maybe didn’t know where to go for help, and we’ve not got all the answers but we can certainly refer them onto the right place and get the help that they need.”
Working in partnership with external organisations
Morgan Academy, Dundee
Morgan Academy has used some of it's Pupil Equity Funds (PEF) to pay part of the salary of a worker from the local money and welfare rights advice service, who is based in the school several days of each week. This has helped the worker to build good relationships with staff and pupils, which in turn has encouraged parental referrals to advice. As the worker is a member of school staff, they can also cold call parents and carers to offer advice.
This has generated several hundred thousand pounds in financial gains for families in less than a year, far exceeding PEF investment in this work. There are signs that school attendance is up, and that access to advice has contributed to this, and the school is continuing to track the impact of this work.
Braes High School, Falkirk
Braes High is using a small amount of PEF to purchase a few hours of advice each week from a Household Support Officer (HSO)
based at a local community advice service.
This project began following engagement with families, as a recognition that family money worries impact on pupils and that the school could be a safe space for advice given the lack of such a service nearby. Both staff and parents and carers can refer to the HSO. If families don't take up advice post-referral, the HSO will inform the school-based project lead (a teacher) who will call the parent or carer. Financial gains for families have far outstripped the investment in this work, and there is a sense that the project has contributed to greater pupil and parental engagement in school life.
Referring to outside organisations
Rainbow Family Centre, Inverclyde
When families are struggling financially, Rainbow Family Centre in Inverclyde offers referrals to outside welfare rights or income maximisation agencies. They give parents and carers the option to take the call at the Family Centre with a member of centre staff present for support.
“So for parents they can get that bit of privacy and if they want me there by their side, in case there was anything they are unsure of. Maybe just a wee bit of, you know, reassurance that if there’s something they don’t know or don’t want to answer, I’m there."
"Families’ pride is often hurt, for want of a better word, and it can be a difficult time. So you need somebody there who’s on your side, who’s not going to judge your situation and to help as best you can.”
Local authority wide approach
THRIVE to Maximise, Stirling
THRIVE to Maximise aims to work holistically with families, providing advice about money and debt, welfare rights guidance, employability and family support. Advisers are not based in schools, but there are clear referral pathways between education staff and advice services. Advisers attend events at schools and nurseries, including parent contact events, transition events and family fun days.
The project is designed to reduce the feelings of stigma for families, and supports school staff to feel more confident in asking parents if they would like a referral to the service. Families can also self-refer. The service, temporarily funded by the UK Shared Prosperity Fund, has generated significant financial gains for families, with a number of softer outcomes also identified for parents and carers, including: building confidence; accessing and completing training; securing employment or increased hours and improved health and wellbeing. Schools have also identified positive impacts of this service for families and pupils.
Financial inclusion support officers in Glasgow
You can find out more the work of the Financial Inclusion Support Officers (FISO) in Glasgow in this case study, which has provided invaluable financial support to many families.
More reading on this topic
This briefing offers more information about other schools who offer this kind of help.