England, Wales & Northern Ireland
If you're an adviser working with people in England, Wales or Northern Ireland who have been affected by changes to the social security system and you think that someone needs to know about their experience, please let us know.
Share details of a case with us
We only ask for basic details and your client remains anonymous.
If you'd rather, you can email us [email protected].
Members of the public
If you're not an adviser: tell us about your personal experience of the social security system
Advisers and other frontline workers
If you're a frontline worker, such as a welfare rights adviser, a housing officer or support worker working with people in Scotland who have been affected by changes to the social security system and you think that someone needs to know about their experience, please let us know.
Share your anonymous case study with us
For further information about the Early Warning System findings or contributing case studies, please contact Kirsty McKechnie on 0141 611 7091 or email [email protected]
Looking for advice?
Unfortunately, we're unable to offer advice to members of the public.
For help with benefits or tax credits contact your local Citizens Advice Bureau or Law Centre or search for an advice centre near you at Advice Local.