“While we have had a number of successful projects this year to support our families affected by poverty, arguably our most important work has been collaborating with our staff in schools to share the message about reducing costs and training staff to be poverty aware. The CPAG Scotland Cost of the School Day Toolkit features some of our own schools, and we used this resource and the schools involved when delivering CLPL courses and sharing good practice sessions with our schools.

"Social media has also played a big role this year, with our Equity Twitter account (@SLCEquity) providing a platform for us to share ideas and key messages with schools all across South Lanarkshire. We are excited to continue this work with schools and communities to ensure all young people in South Lanarkshire have opportunities at school without the barrier of financial costs.”
New guidance for schools
To further consolidate the local authority's commitment to reducing costs, South Lanarkshire Council held a Cost of the School Day Conference in March 2024, where it launched its Cost of the School Day guidance, and ten proposals:
- All South Lanarkshire schools will promote the use of affordable inclusive and flexible uniforms for children and young people.
- Schools will encourage and support young people to apply for their under-22 free bus pass.
- No child or young person will need to pay for any aspect of their core curriculum/education.
- All South Lanarkshire schools will take part in the annual Challenge Poverty Week to raise awareness among our children and young people.
- Cost will never prevent any South Lanarkshire pupil attending an Educational Excursion held during the school day.
- All children and young people within South Lanarkshire schools will be encouraged to maintain healthy eating habits in line with the Schools (Health Promotion and Nutrition) (Scotland) Act 2020.
- All South Lanarkshire schools/Early Years establishments will complete a Cost of the School Day calendar at the start of each year to ensure fun events are spread evenly through the year and include cost-free events.
- Every child or young person will be able to take part in at least one free extra-curricular club each school year.
- No learning at home activity will have financial implications for families.
- All South Lanarkshire schools and Early Years establishments will have a Cost of the School Day policy which will be: regularly reviewed; recognised within the Equity section of establishment Improvement Plans; written in consultation with all stakeholders; and shared annually with staff during the first in-service day and available to families through usual communication methods.
South Lanarkshire's Cost of the School Day work
You can read more about South Lanarkshire's commitment to Cost of the School Day in all it's education settings.