SCORSS (previously known as the Scottish Campaign on Welfare Reform - SCoWR) was set up in 2006. It is a diverse coalition of organisations working across Scotland with collective expertise in a range of aspects of the social security system. It has informed debates on changes to both UK and Scottish Government policy and influenced the creation of Scotland’s first social security system.
Any interested organisation or individual is welcome to join. Membership is free and simply involves confirming that you agree with the five principles set out in our Principles for Change.
Members are also welcome to get involved in the campaign steering group if they have the time and resources to do so. There is more information about the work of the steering group in the Terms of Reference document.
Key documents
For more details about SCORSS or if you are interested in joining the campaign contact:
- Satwat Rehman, Director, One Parent Families Scotland, Email [email protected]
- Peter Kelly, Director, The Poverty Alliance, Email [email protected]
- John Dickie, Director, CPAG in Scotland, Email [email protected]