Ending Child Poverty - why and how
This is an essential guide for anyone concerned about ending child poverty. The average class of 30 pupils now has nine children living in poverty. But this is not inevitable. Poverty is a political choice. We can stop it, and this book sets out how.
Published 2023
Poverty in Scotland 2021
This book brings together contributions from leading experts, academics and practitioners to set out how various policy tools, from public finance, economic development and social care to social security, employment and transport can now be utilised to ensure the ambition of a Scotland free of poverty is realised.
Published 2021
View a free online copy of Poverty in Scotland 2021
2020 Vision: Ending Child Poverty for Good
This book brings together a range of expert contributions from fields including health, education, housing, early years, social security, race, taxation and the lived experience of low income. This wide-ranging collection helps us understand why we are where we are, examines the impact of public policy during the austerity years and the possible impacts of Brexit, and offers fresh proposals for what an effective child poverty strategy should look like.
Published 2020

Let's Talk About Tax
To reverse the increases in child poverty caused by cuts to working-age benefits and tax credits, the next government will need to increase tax revenue. Published to influence the thinking about the best way of doing this, the contributors explore our current tax system with its various direct and indirect taxes, and propose a strategy for reform.
Published 2019

Living Hand to Mouth
This book sheds light on hunger and poor diets, as well as families who are eating well despite having a low income. It asks who is responsible for making sure young people eat well and have access to adequate food for health and social participation, and includes recommendations from CPAG.
Published 2019

Poverty: the Facts (6th edition)
This book looks at why UK child poverty rises and falls. It answers questions such as: What do we mean by poverty? How do we measure poverty? Who is at risk of poverty? Who is in poverty? How does the UK compare with other countries? What can we do about it?
Published 2017

Improving Children's Life Chances
Experts from research, policy and practice discuss the implications of the shift to 'life chances' as a frame for social policy; set out measures to improve children's life chances from perspectives including health, housing, families, early years, education and social mobility; and explain why we can't aspire to improving life chances unless we take action to reduce poverty.
Published 2016