The school has collected a large number of donated new and pre-loved prom dresses, suits, shoes, accessories and organised special events to showcase these to their senior pupils. The events will provide the opportunity for pupils to try on outfits and choose their prom outfit with friends and family.

Where support came from
The initiative has received incredible support from the local community and local businesses. A local bridal shop donated 105 ex-stock dresses, enabling the offer to be extended to all other secondary schools in North Ayrshire. Local beauticians have offered free hair and make-up on the day of prom to complete the prom experience for pupils, with some giving up a day’s work to support the initiative.
The initiative has created a buzz within the school, with several pupils having already picked their outfits from the available stock. Pupils are keen to ensure that dresses can be reused to support the next year of senior pupils to attend their prom and continue the initiative at Auchenharvie Academy.
What pupils think
Some senior pupils described how excited they are about prom, now that they've had to chance to choose outfits from the pre-loved shop:
“This is just amazing - I never imagined I would be going to prom. I feel like all my dreams have come true.”
“I feel like a princess.”
“I can't believe how kind people have been - it has made me want to help others as much as I can.”
Prom at no cost
Allison Hopton, PT Family Learning, Auchenharvie Academy:
“We’ve turned prom almost on its head and now it’s gone from being a really expensive occasion, to costing nothing at all for pupils! I have to say that’s just down to how amazing the communities have been. People have just been so glad to help and offer support. Especially people who are saying ‘I’ll give up a day’s work and I’ll come in and offer my services for free.’ That’s amazing!”
Further reading on this subject
The Cost of Having Fun at School aims to help schools to find ways of having fun which includes everyone.