Missing out on time at school can have consequences for learners’ progress, attainment and achievements, and longer-term can effect their outcomes. To understand and tackle non-attendance Neilsland Primary School took part in South Lanarkshire’s Strategic Equity Funding (SEF) attendance test of change project.
Understanding your area
Neilsland Primary School already had a great profile in the local community, with many staff drawn from the area who have built relationships with families over a long period. Staff have local knowledge and, in some cases, have worked with more than one generation of families. Head Teacher, Pamela Kelly reflects that:
“We say that we’re like a big family in here, and regard ourselves as a community school."

The school offers a range of support designed to reduce costs and make a difference to a significant proportion of families in Neilsland Primary’s catchment area who are likely to be experiencing financial challenges. Much of the school’s catchment area is listed as SIMD 1 or 2, and more than 40% of children are eligible for free school meals.
Spotting patterns of non-attendance
At the beginning of the test for change project, staff worked with a small group of young people on their attendance. One of the first things that became clear was that events like dress down days and Christmas fayres were producing patterns of non-attendance from young people whose families were most affected by poverty.
Pamela explains how attendance was tracked:
“The school has a digital attendance database which is updated by office staff. Alongside a monthly tracker, the daily database and class register helps staff to spot developing patterns of attendance, or non-attendance.”
This was invaluable knowledge, and when staff reflected on practice, it became clear that a scaled up universal approach was going to improve overall attendance at the school.
Awareness raising for staff
Acting Principal Teacher for Equity, June Marnie, thinks that information sharing with staff is important.
“I think it's communication first and foremost. You have to look at all the children's attendance and in order to do that you have to have discussions with staff.”
Pamela describes those discussions:
“We discuss with staff at in-service and at staff meetings, but we also have follow up conversations with staff so that they are fully aware of the attendance picture for their class and the whole school. We meet monthly and give staff the attendance figures for the children. We keep a spreadsheet so staff have that documentation.”
Attendance figures are also shared with parents and included in school newsletters. Pamela says that Neilsland Primary’s approach is:
“all down to communication at different levels, it’s spoken communication backed up by written communication.”
Pamela describes how June works with families.
“She phones our families, and especially when we're seeing a dip in attendance. It’s quite a gentle approach, and not confrontational. June works through any issues families might be facing, so for instance if that’s uniforms, she can make sure families know about the support the school offers to make sure everyone has what they need. Our priority is that children are here, and that there's no stigma if children are going to be late to school.”
Two way communication with families
June and Pamela described how communication with families is very much two way, with lots of opportunities for children and parents to give their thoughts, ideas and opinions.
This approach has both led to excellent attendance at Neilsland Primary, which staff take pride in, and helped to build really positive relationships with families, reflected in their feedback to the school.
"Neilsland Primary School is a nurturing school with a great ethos. All the staff know the children really well. My child has grown hugely in confidence since starting Neilsland. A gem of a school!"
"Amazing support and knowledge of individual pupils and families."
"They go above and beyond to make sure your child is progressing."
"Neilsland is like a big family. They make you feel very welcome."
(Neilsland Primary parents)
Try our free eLearning course
The Cost of the School Day eLearning is designed to help school staff become more familiar with the challenges low income families face which might impact on attendance.