Promote understanding
Help everyone to understand the significant impact that even small costs can have on stretched family budgets. Parents say they go without and cut corners on other essentials so that their children can take part in the same way as others at school.
“It felt like they weren’t interested and that we were on our own. If it’s smallish amounts of money I don’t raise it as they don’t seem to understand.”
Be aware of poverty stigma
Understand poverty stigma and how it can create barriers to support. Parents and carers say they often conceal financial difficulties due to guilt, shame, embarrassment or fear of judgment from school staff.
“It was embarrassing to admit that I was struggling!”
Understand that poverty exists everywhere
Recognise that poverty is an issue for every school in Scotland, regardless of how affluent a community appears. Many families in work struggle to make ends meet but are above the eligibility thresholds for financial support. Whole school poverty awareness helps with mindfulness around school costs and the provision of appropriate support.
"It's humiliating trying not to sound poor in a well to do area."
Involve Parent Councils
Involve Parent Councils in communicating about costs and money. They can consult with parents to keep up to date with views and concerns, lead on poverty aware fundraising, share information on financial help and support practical efforts to reduce costs, like preloved uniform schemes and subsidies for trips and activities.
"They need to think about the diverse nature of the different families in the school and the Parent Council needs to do more to engage all parents, not just those in their group."
Reflective questions
- To what extent are all staff in our school poverty aware?
- Are there ongoing opportunities for staff to develop understanding of the financial barriers facing children and families?
- Do you have an accurate understanding of how much money families will spend on school over a year?
- How well are we using our Parent Council as a way of engaging with and sharing vital information with families?
Professional learning
Use professional learning resources like the Cost of the School Day eLearning to understand child poverty, the impact of costs and ways to support children and their families.