- 1
These are referred to respectively as AFPS 75, AFPS 05 and AFPS 15. See House of Commons Library, Support for UK Veterans, CBP7693, 2023
- 2
Ministry of Defence, Armed Forces Pension Scheme 1975 Family Benefits, MMP114, 2015; Ministry of Defence, Armed Forces Pension Scheme 2005 Your Pension Scheme Explained, 2005, Section 7; Ministry of Defence, Armed Forces Pension Scheme 2015 Your Pension Scheme Explained, 2023, Section 7
- 3
- 4
- 5
- 6
Reg 6 Social Security (Overlapping Benefits) Regulations 1979 No.597
- 7
Regs 2(1) (definition of 'unemployability supplement'), 6 and Sch 1 Social Security (Overlapping Benefits) Regulations 1979 No.597; reg 16(6) Carer’s Assistance (Carer Support Payment) (Scotland) Regulations 2023 No.302
- 8
Reg 6 Social Security (Overlapping Benefits) Regulations 1979 No.597; Reg 34 Disability Assistance for Working Age People (Scotland) Regulations 2022 No.54; Reg 23(6) Disability Assistance for Children and Young People (Scotland) Regulations 2021 No.174
- 9
arts 23 and 24, Naval, Military and Air Forces Etc. (Disablement and Death) Service Pensions Order 2006 No. 606
- 10
- 11
- 12
- 13
Sch 2, Army Pensions (Armed Forces Pension Scheme 1975 and Attributable Benefits Scheme) Warrant 2010 as amended; Naval and Marine Pensions (Armed forces Pension Scheme 1975 and Attributable Benefits Scheme) Order 2010 as amended; Air Force (Armed forces Pension Scheme 1975 and Attributable Benefits Scheme) Order 2010, as amended
- 14
Payments under the war pensions scheme are also sometimes referred to as 'attributable' since they are attributable to your service. However, we use the term 'SAP' to refer only to payments under the armed forces attributable benefits (AFAB) scheme. It’s possible for a condition or injury to be found caused or worsened by your service under the war pensions scheme but not 'attributable' under AFAB.
- 15
- 16
See R(IS) 3/99 for an example
- 17
Introduced by the Armed Forces (Pensions and Compensation) Act 2004. Detailed rules in The Armed Forces and Reserve Forces (Compensation Scheme) Order 2011 No.517.
- 18
Arts 15(1) and 24 Armed Forces and Reserve Forces (Compensation Scheme) Order 2011 No.517
- 19
Reg 75(1),(4) and (5) Universal Credit Regulations 2013 No.376; DWP, Advice for Decision Making, para H2028
- 20
Regs 66(1)(a) and 67 Universal Credit Regulations 2013 No.376; s16(1)(f) and (l) State Pension Credit Act 2002
- 21
None of these pensions meet the definition of a pension under UC rules: Reg 67 Universal Credit Regulations 2013 No.376 and s16 State Pension Credit Act 2002. See also the note to DWP, Advice for Decision Making, para H5010.
- 22
- 23a23b
In Scotland you should be able to get a discretionary housing payment to make up for this shortfall.
- 24
Neither a GIP nor an attributable pension meets the definition of a pension under UC rules: Reg 67 Universal Credit Regulations 2013 No.376 and s16 State Pension Credit Act 2002. The AFCS is a Public Service Pension: Public Services Pensions Act 2013
- 25
See the note to DWP, Advice for Decision Making, para H5010.
- 26
In the case of severely disabled veterans discharged because of their condition and claiming UC immediately upon leaving the armed forces, the DWP are now using evidence in military medical records, rather than calling the veteran in for a face-to-face assessment: House of Commons Library, Support for UK Veterans, CBP7693, 2023, p67
- 27
- 28
Sch 9 para 16 Income Support (General) Regulations 1987 No.1967; Sch 7 para 17 Jobseeker's Allowance Regulations 1996 No.207; Sch 8 para 17 Employment and Support Allowance Regulations 2008 No.794
- 29a29b
- 30
Sch 5 para 15 Housing Benefit Regulations 2006 No.213; Sch 5 para 1(b) and (c) Housing Benefit (State Pension Credit) Regulations 2006 No.214 ; Sch, Parts 1 and 2, Housing Benefit and Council Tax Benefit (War Pensions Disregard) Regulations 2007 No.1619
- 31
- 32
Sch 9 paras 8 and 9 Income Support (General) Regulations 1987 No.1967; Sch 7 paras 9 and 10 Jobseeker's Allowance Regulations 1996 No.207; Sch 8 paras 10 and 11 Employment and Support Allowance Regulations 2008 No.794; Sch 5 paras 8 and 9 Housing Benefit Regulations 2006 No.213; reg 33(9) and Sch 5 para 1 Housing Benefit (Persons who have attained the qualifying age for state pension credit) Regulations 2006 No.214
- 33
Sch 9 para 16 Income Support (General) Regulations 1987 No.1967; Sch 7 para 17 Jobseeker's Allowance Regulations 1996 No.207; Sch 8 para 17 Employment and Support Allowance Regulations 2008 No.794; Sch 5 para 15 Housing Benefit Regulations 2006 No.213; reg 33(9) and Sch 5 paras 2 and 3 Housing Benefit (Persons who have attained the qualifying age for state pension credit) Regulations 2006 No.214; Sch Part 2, Housing Benefit and Council Tax Benefit (War Pensions Disregard) Regulations 2007 No.1619
- 34
- 35
Reg 10 Tax Credits (Definition and Calculation of Income) Regulations 2002 No.2006
- 36
Reg 5(1) Tax Credits (Definition and Calculation of Income) Regulations 2002 No.2006
- 37
Reg 5(2) Table 2 para 1 Tax Credits (Definition and Calculation of Income) Regulations 2002 No.2006
- 38
Reg 5(2) Table 2 paras 1, 3, and 4 Tax Credits (Definition and Calculation of Income) Regulations 2002 No.2006HMRC, Tax Credits Technical Manual, para 04303 ; ss639 and 640 Income Tax (Earnings and Pensions Act 2003; War widow’s and widower’s pensions are paid under Part III of the Naval, Military and Air Forces etc. (Disablement and Death) Service Pensions Order 2006 No.606, for death due to service before 6 April 2005. See also House of Commons Library, War Widows' Pensions, CBP 00568, 2023, pp4-5.
- 39
- 40
Reg 5(1)(b) Tax Credits (Definition and Calculation of Income) Regulations 2002 No. 2006; HMRC, Employment Income Manual, para 74306
- 41
Reg 17 (7) and Sch 4, para 1 State Pension Credit Regulations 2002 No.1792
- 42
Reg 17(7) and Sch 4 para 2-4 State Pension Credit Regulations 2002 No.1792
- 43
Sch 4, para 1 State Pension Credit Regulations 2002 No.1792; DWP, Decision Makers' Guide, para 85200 onward and Appendix 1 to Chapter 85
- 44
Reg 17(8) and Sch 5 para 16(1) State Pension Credit Regulations 2002 No.1792; R(SB) 2/89; R(IS) 3/03