Changing decisions - Scottish benefits
When a Scottish benefit is refused, an award is wrong or there is an overpayment, what steps can you take to put things right?
When a Scottish benefit is refused, an award is wrong or there is an overpayment, what steps can you take to put things right?
This course is essential for welfare rights advisers in Scotland who want to challenge decisions of the First-tier Tribunal effectively.
Many young people who have been ‘looked after’ by the local authority are affected by special social security rules.
‘Kinship care’ is the situation in which a child goes to live with a member of their extended family or with a family friend. This course looks at benefit issues that arise for kinship carers.
This course gives you an overview of benefit support for families in Scotland from pregnancy to school age.
This two-morning course is aimed at those supporting women fleeing from domestic abuse.
Disability living allowance (DLA) is the main way of meeting the additional needs of many children, yet it is under-claimed and can be hard to understand.
The welfare benefits system is complicated and confusing, both to claimants and those whose resp