Payments for children in Scotland
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About this course
This course gives you an overview of benefit support for families in Scotland from pregnancy to school age. Scottish child payment is available for almost half of all children under 16 and significantly increases income. It is crucial for advisers and others to know about this and other family payments in Scotland so that nobody misses out on vital income. The course also covers UK benefits for children, which are still the main source of support in Scotland. It looks at what can be done to help when UK benefit income is reduced by the ’two- child limit’ and ‘benefit cap’.
The course covers:
- An overview of payments for children in Scotland
- Who can get Scottish child payment
- Who can get Best Start grant and Best Start foods
- UK-wide payments for children
- Understanding the two-child limit and the benefit cap
This course is aimed at advisers and support workers who have little or no knowledge of benefits.
The course will be delivered online via Zoom from 10am to 1pm with a half hour break from 11.15 – 11.45.
It is a practical course, delivered using a combination of trainer presentation, exercises and group discussion. Participants will need a Wi-Fi connection and a suitable device to access the internet. It is not recommended to join via a mobile phone.