Test case

Defective claims for universal credit and date of claim

GDC v SSWP [2020] UKUT 108 (AAC)
Whether creating a universal credit account and clicking 'Make a claim' is sufficient to count as a defective claim for universal credit? The claimant in CUC/968/2019 created an online universal credit account. He then clicked 'Make a claim'. He did not complete all of the questions the system then generated on the same day. Instead he logged out and did not complete all the questions and click 'Submit claim' until a few days later.
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Test case

Refugees with pre-flight children and access to Sure Start Maternity Grant

SK and LL v SSWP (IS) [2020] UKUT 145 (AAC)
The Upper Tribunal decides refugees who arrived in the UK with children, can claim a Sure Start Maternity Grant when having their first child in the UK (as the contrary position results in unlawful discrimination). The Upper Tribunal has allowed the appeals of two claimants who challenged the rule excluding those who had another child in their family aged under 16 from entitlement to the Sure Start Maternity Grant (SSMG).
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England, Northern Ireland, Wales,
Test case

Universal credit, earned income and monthly pay

R (Johnson, Woods, Barrett & Stewart) v SSWP [2019] EWHC 23 (Admin); SSWP v Johnson, Woods, Barrett & Stewart [2020] EWCA Civ 778
This case successfully challenged the rigidity of the monthly assessment period regime under universal credit (UC) and the way that earned income is calculated for certain claimants. The case concerned four single working mothers whose regular monthly pay dates for their wages fell close to the start/end of their assessment periods, resulting in them sometimes having two paydays in one assessment period. This issue caused them to experience fluctuations of their income and significant cash losses.
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Test case

Disability Living Allowance 2 year Past Presence Test for children (plus Carer's Allowance for their parents)

EK v SSWP CDLA/2019/2018 and TS v SSWP CDLA/2208/2018
These cases challenge the legality of the revised past presence test (PPT), which requires a child to have been in the UK for 104 of the past 156 weeks before being eligible to claim disability living allowance (DLA) (referred to as the ‘2 year PPT’). The appellants argue that the 2 year PPT is unlawful as a result of non-compliance by the SSWP with the Public Sector Equality Duty (PSED) and the discriminatory effect of the 2 year PPT is in breach of their human rights. The cases were heard together before UTJ Ward at a two-day Upper Tribunal hearing on 3 - 4 June 2020 and judgment, dated 12 October 2020 and sent to the parties on 17 November 2020, found in favour of the appellants on human rights grounds. The SSWP has confirmed that she is not appealing the decision of the UT. Subsequent claims for carer's allowance by the children's mother's for the earlier period that their children were now recognised as being entitled to DLA from were initially refused by the SSWP but appeals were successful before the FTT.
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Test case

Universal Credit for 19 year olds in full-time, non-advanced education

MH v Secretary of State for Work and Pensions (SC944/19/01408)
CPAG represented the appellant in a challenge to the universal credit (UC) rules that prevent certain 19 year olds who are in full-time, non-advanced education from being included in their parents’ UC claim, while they are also prevented from claiming UC in their own right, on the basis that the provisions are discriminatory and irrational. The appeal was heard by the First-tier Tribunal on 24 November and was dismissed.
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Early Warning System eBulletin - September 2022

September's eBulletin is about the issues facing ill or disabled UC claimants, including work-related requirements while waiting for an assessment and limited capability for work or work-related activity problems for older claimants.
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England, Wales,

Early Warning System eBulletin - October 2022

This month the eBulletin is about using online universal credit accounts, including switching from an online account to phone and paper and when not to use the change of circumstances tab.
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England, Wales,