Universal credit - work capability assessment and disability rules
This two-morning, standard level online course provides an overview of the universal credit (UC) rules for ill and disabled claimants.
Universal credit - work capability case law and best practice
Benefits and the armed services community
Do you advise or support former members of the British armed services and their families?
Challenging work capability assessment decisions
Dealing with debt
This two-morning course will enable you to assess which of a client’s debts should be given priority, in order to try to avoid the loss of their home, essential goods or services and imprison
Universal credit and work
This course is aimed at frontline advisers supporting claimants in work and for advisers supporting claimants back into work.
Universal credit for disabled people
This one-day standard level online course looks at the universal credit (UC) rules that particularly affect ill or disabled people.
Work capability assessment - exceptional opportunities
The work capability assessment (WCA) test dominates employment support allowance (ESA) and universal credit (UC) in relation to sick claimants.