Displaying 41 - 47 of 47
Scottish social security - an introduction
This course provides an introduction to benefits delivered by Social Security Scotland.
Stick or twist? Jumping ship to universal credit
Around 6 million people have claimed universal credit (UC), but several million are still on Legacy benefits.
Understanding decisions, revisions and supersessions
The benefits system is a decisions-based system. This course gives advisers the technical understanding needed to successfully navigate it, by explaining in detail the rules about how a decision can be made and then changed.
Universal credit - an introduction
With the roll out of universal credit (UC) you will need to support your clients or tenants through the process of claiming and maintaining their award.
Universal credit migration - the end of the line (online)
Some claimants receiving ‘Legacy’ benefits under the old rules may elect to ‘jump ship’ early onto universal credit (UC) because they think it is better for them, or because they have been en
Work capability assessment - exceptional opportunities
The work capability assessment (WCA) test dominates employment support allowance (ESA) and universal credit (UC) in relation to sick claimants.