Reported cuts to disability payments risk undermining wider government efforts to reduce child poverty, new analysis by Child Poverty Action Group shows.
This briefing provides information on policies announced in the Children’s Wellbeing and Schools Bill, alongside policy areas where opportunities to support children’s wellbeing were missed in this legislation.
This short report looks at the challenges facing schools when implementing a means-tested school meal system, and the debt families are incurring for school meals in primary schools across England.
To mark ‘Adequate Incomes’ day of Challenge Poverty Week 2024, we are sharing two new resources designed to help with approaches to talking about costs and maximising incomes in schools and early years settings.
This week, Cost of the School Day Voice network members from Trinity High School in Rutherglen took part in the launch of Standing Up To Poverty, Anti-Poverty Advice for the Classroom from the Educational Institute of Scotland (EIS), Scotland's largest teaching union.