This briefing provides information on policies announced in the Children’s Wellbeing and Schools Bill, alongside policy areas where opportunities to support children’s wellbeing were missed in this legislation.
This final report outlines the issues relating to managed migration as the DWP has begun sending migration notices to claimants with much lower incomes and who are likely to be more vulnerable. It highlights how the support offered can be improved to ensure that those facing the greatest barriers are able to make and sustain a UC claim. Lastly, is looks at the experiences of people who have completed the move to UC to highlight how UC can work better for everyone claiming.
This short report looks at the challenges facing schools when implementing a means-tested school meal system, and the debt families are incurring for school meals in primary schools across England.
This briefing looks at free school meals (FSMs) in Yorkshire and the Humber, including new statistics on the number of children in poverty in each local authority missing out on this entitlement.