Universal credit - managed migration
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About this course
This course focuses on the transitional issues for claimants who are moving from employment and support allowance (ESA) to universal credit (UC). It is expected that all remaining claimants in Scotland will be moved to UC under the managed migration process during 2025. Giving the right advice and support during this process can make a huge difference. In some cases, transitional protection is available, intended to ensure claimants are not worse off. This equips advisers with the knowledge to give advice on options and implications involved in moving from benefits and tax credits to UC.
The course covers:
- The differences between ‘natural migration’ and ‘managed migration’
- Transitional protection and the severe disability premium
- Calculating the transitional element
- The ‘enhanced support journey’ for ESA claimants
The course is aimed at people with a working knowledge of the benefits system.
This course will be delivered online via Zoom from 10am to 1pm with a half hour break from 11.15 – 11.45.
It is a practical course, delivered using a combination of trainer presentation, exercises and group discussion. Participants will need a Wi-Fi connection and a suitable device to access the internet. It is not recommended to join via a mobile phone.