Income maximisation for older people
About this course
Older people commonly do not claim all that they are entitled to. This course provides an introduction to pension credit and aims to help you with effective benefit checks to maximise income.
The course covers:
- State pension
- Who is eligible for pension credit
- How to work out guarantee credit entitlement
- Claiming pension credit and how it interacts with ‘passported’ benefits
- How income and pension pots affect pension credit
- How universal credit affects benefits for older people
- How disability benefits are affected as state pension age rises
- Income maximisation tactics and benefit checks for older people
This course is aimed at advisers with a working knowledge of the benefits system.
This course assumes that claimants are based in Scotland for the purposes of disability and carer benefits, passported help and other devolved benefits. For information on rules specific to England and Wales, see our Income Maximisation for Older People course.
The course will be delivered online via Zoom from 10am to 1pm each day with a half hour break from 11.15 – 11.45. It is a practical course, delivered using a combination of trainer presentation, exercises and group discussion. Participants will need a Wi-Fi connection and a suitable device to access the internet. It is not recommended to join via a mobile phone.