UK Cost of the School Day evaluation
Our UK Cost of the School Day programme, carried out in partnership with Children North East, has been transformative for schools and pupils.
An independent evaluation of the project between 2019-22 highlights its impact on families, schools, local authorities and the wider education system.
The project improved the wellbeing of children and families; reduced the costs of schooling; strengthened the institutions of schools through new structures and processes; and affected policy at school, local authority and national levels.
The evaluation report is designed to support anyone who is working in this area to understand more about what drives change around school costs and poverty-related stigma. It includes key recommendations for schools, local authorities, policymakers and organisations who are working on child poverty and education.
One key finding is that children and young people’s voices are central to making change happen in schools.
Mae ein rhaglen Cost Diwrnod Ysgol yn y DU, a gynhaliwyd mewn partneriaeth â Children North East, wedi bod yn drawsnewidiol i ysgolion ac i ddisgyblion.
Mae gwerthusiad annibynnol o’r prosiect rhwng 2019 a 2022, yn tynnu sylw at ei effaith ar deuluoedd, ar ysgolion, ar awdurdodau lleol ac ar y system addysg ehangach.
Roedd y prosiect wedi gwella llesiant plant a theuluoedd; wedi lleihau costau addysg; wedi cryfhau sefydliadau ysgolion drwy strwythurau a phrosesau newydd; ac wedi dylanwadu ar bolisi ar lefel ysgol, awdurdod lleol ac yn genedlaethol.
Bwriad yr adroddiad gwerthuso yw cefnogi unrhyw un sy’n gweithio yn y maes hwn i ddeall rhagor am yr hyn sy’n gallu sbarduno newid o ran costau ysgol a stigma sy’n gysylltiedig â thlodi. Mae’n cynnwys argymhellion allweddol i ysgolion, i awdurdodau lleol, i lunwyr polisïau ac i sefydliadau sy’n gweithio ar dlodi plant ac addysg.
Un canfyddiad allweddol yw bod lleisiau plant a phobl ifanc yn ganolog i sicrhau newid mewn ysgolion.