CPAG's Welfare Rights Bulletin is 50!
This month (June 2024) we're celebrating the 300th edition of the Welfare Rights Bulletin, which is 50 years old.
First edition in 1974
The first edition - which you can read below - covered the supplementary benefit rates (how many of us remember supplementary benefit!) and the ‘new rate rebate scheme’, with an article by Stewart Weir who was also involved in setting up the National Association of Welfare Rights Advisers (NAWRA).
Spot the figures – the supplementary benefit scale rate was increasing from £2.05 to £2.40 a week for a child under 5, weekly non-dependant deductions from the rate rebate ranged from 20-50p, and our own Welfare Benefits Handbook cost just 30p!
Over the years
Although many benefits have come and gone since that first edition, one constant has been the industry and goodwill of all those in the field, working to try to improve the lives of others. For however long you have been advising, we hope the Bulletin has helped you in your work.

Thank you
So, on the Bulletin’s 50th birthday, a raised glass and a toast to all our readers, contributors, editors, colleagues and correspondents down the years. The Bulletin could not have got this far without you.
As a thank you, we're making this birthday edition available free online.
Image description: Selection of front cover images of the Welfare Rights Bulletin