Students and benefits - the basics
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Angela Toal
Standard price
About this course
This course provides a basic overview of social security benefits, and which further and higher education students in Scotland might be able to claim them.
The course covers:
- A brief overview of social security benefits
- Which groups of students can claim benefits
- The impact of student support on benefits
- Signposting students for help with benefits enquiries
The course is at a basic level and is for student advisers and other support workers who are new to benefits.
The course will be delivered online via Zoom from 10am to 1pm with a half hour break from 11.15 – 11.45.
It is a practical course, delivered using a combination of trainer presentation, exercises and group discussion. Participants will need a Wi-Fi connection and a suitable device to access the internet. It is not recommended to join via a mobile phone.