Reported cuts to disability payments risk undermining wider government efforts to reduce child poverty, new analysis by Child Poverty Action Group shows.
To mark ‘Adequate Incomes’ day of Challenge Poverty Week 2024, we are sharing two new resources designed to help with approaches to talking about costs and maximising incomes in schools and early years settings.
This week, Cost of the School Day Voice network members from Trinity High School in Rutherglen took part in the launch of Standing Up To Poverty, Anti-Poverty Advice for the Classroom from the Educational Institute of Scotland (EIS), Scotland's largest teaching union.
England has a much higher proportion of children in poverty who are ineligible for free school meals compared to Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland but all nations can do more, new analysis from Child Poverty Action Group (CPAG) reveals.
Across the UK, millions of children receive a free school meal (FSM) each day at school. But many miss out. Previous CPAG analysis estimated that, across England, 900,000 school-age children in poverty (one in three school-age children) don’t qualify for a FSM under either the national universal infant provision or means-tested schemes. This new piece of analysis shows how this compares to national FSM schemes in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. The analysis also looks at how this figure is broken down by region in England.
CPAG in Scotland welcomes the publication of new Scottish government guidance on school uniform and clothing policies, particularly its strong focus on affordability and on involving children and parents in policy development.
This week we launched the Cost of the School Day Big Question report and film. 5,394 children and young people across Scotland shared their views on school costs, particularly food and trips, what makes them feel ready to learn, and their ideas for creating change in schools.
Children and young people from the Cost of the School Day Voice network call for Universal Free School Meals (USFM) at a Scottish Parliament roundtable.
South Lanarkshire Council’s Cost of the School Day Conference took place this week, where the local authority further cemented its commitment to equity by launching its Cost of the School Day guidance, and ten proposals.
It was great to gather so many Cost of the School Day Voice network members together at one time, with more than 500 young people from across Scotland joining the first Big Meet Up online sessions.